
Call for Abstract

Late breaking poster submission period

10 - 30 September 2024

The submission will be closed on 30 September at 00:00 hr. Abstracts submitted after the system closure will not be accepted.

Format of Presentation

Please indicate your preference for the format of the presentation (Oral or Poster)

IMPORTANT: Please note your request might not be met in some case.

Topic Areas

  1. Nutrition and Community Interventions in Various Groups
  2. Dietary Intake, Dietary Pattern, and Diseases
  3. Nutrients and Innovative Food and Technologies
  4. Clinical Nutrition and Experimental Nutrition
  5. Human Nutrition and Nutrition Epidemiology
  6. Food and Nutrition Policy

Submission Guideline

Please read this thoroughly before preparing your abstract.

  1. All abstracts must be submitted to the congress website only.
  2. Only abstracts written in English will be accepted.
  3. Abstract title: Maximum of 100 characters (approx. 16 words) including spaces.
  4. After the title, list the author's names and institutional affiliations
  5. Maximum No. of Authors: 10
  6. Author is requested to indicate only one affiliation for an author.
  7. The abstract must be included Introduction (including objective), followed by Method, Result, Conclusion, and Keywords.
  8. Abstract Text: Maximum of 1,500 characters (approx. 250 words)
  9. Special characters, table, charts or graphs are not accepted.
  10. Before submitting your abstract, please check your spelling and language carefully. Your abstract will be published in the abstract book (or e-book) as received.
  11. If you wish to make changes in your abstract after submitting the abstract, please log in to your account to revision. Please note that you can revision by 31 August 2024

Notice of Acceptance

Notification will be sent to the presenter only via email by 10 October 2024

If you do not receive any notification by 10 October 2024, please contact sea.phn2024thailand@gmail.com

The presenter is required to pay the registration fee payment not later than 20 September 2024 to have the abstract published in the abstract e-book. Should the author not follow either of these, SEA-PHN 2024 reserves the right not to include the author’s work in the printed book.

Guideline for Presentation

Each accepted paper will be allotted 10 minutes for oral presentation followed by 5 minutes question and discussion.

Each accepted poster will be assigned to a poster session, and will be allotted a poster board space. Poster should be in the size of 90 cm width x 120 cm height.

The presenters’ papers will be published in Proceeding of “THE 2ND SOUTH EAST ASIA PUBLIC HEALTH NUTRITION CONFERENCE” There are four awards; two awards for poster and two awards for oral presentations.

Oral Abstract Presentation Guidelines

PowerPoint Slides Preparation Guidelines:

  • Timing : Please allocate up to 10 minutes for your presentation. Please shorten your presentation as needed to allow for a question and answer period. Overtime will not be allowed.
  • Formatting: Slides will be projected on the screen in a 16:9 format ratio; however, screens can accommodate a 4:3 format as well. Use standard fonts, such as Arial, Times or Helvetica.
  • Content Slides: Slides should include the background/aim of your study, methods, results, conclusions, references, as well as other information of interest (e.g., future research directions). We recommend 6 content slides for optimal time allocation.
  • Preparation and Rehearsal: All speakers are encouraged to visit the Speaker Ready Room at least 1 hour in advance of their presentation to review and approve their presentation. Please arrive for your designated oral session at least 10 minutes prior to the start of the session.

Poster Session Guidelines

Each accepted poster will be assigned to a poster session, and will be allotted a poster board space. Poster should be in the size of 90 cm width x 120 cm height.


The content in poster is clear and concise, focusing on the essentials of research, include

  • A clear and concise title that accurately reflects the content of poster.
  • List all authors and their affiliations.
  • Clearly state the background, objectives, methods, results, and conclusion of research.
  • Use charts, graphs, and other visual aids to present all results in a clear and concise manner.
  • Optional: Include a list of references used in your study and declare any conflicts of interest.

Proceedings Guidelines

To ensure that high-quality, academic proceedings are published, authors are encouraged to take careful consideration when preparing their articles. The 2nd SEA-PHN Conference Proceedings will be internationally available and distributed online via https://sea-phn.com/abstract_submission#proceeding . Conference registrants will have free, online access to the conference Proceedings in Journal of Nutrition Association of Thailand (Online) belonging to the Nutrition Association of Thailand (https://www.nutritionthailand.org/).

Research Manuscript Sections : Maximum length 10 pages (including Table, Figure and References)

Text : The entire document should be single-spaced and must contain page and line numbers in order to facilitate the review process. The manuscript should be written using Microsoft word (DOC, DOCX) file formats.

  • Abstract: The Abstract should not exceed 250 words. Please minimize the use of abbreviations and do not cite references in the abstract. The abstract must include the following separate sections: Background, Methods, Results, and Conclusions. In addition, keywords consist of three to six keywords representing the main content of the article.
  • Introduction: The introduction should briefly describe research context and its significance. It should define the specific hypotheses, and review the current state of the research field with relevant publications. Furthermore, briefly mention the main objective of the work and highlight the possible main outcomes.
  • Materials and Methods: They should be included study design with details of the characteristics of participants or description of materials described with sufficient detail to allow others to replicate. For experiments reporting results on animal or human subject research, an ethics approval statement should be included in this section. Statistical methods are available for analysis and interpretation of the data.
  • Results: Provide a concise and precise description of the results with a logical sequence in the text, tables, and figures. Do not present specifics of duplicate data from tables or figures in the text.
  • Discussion: This section should discuss the implications of the findings in context of existing research and highlight limitations of the study.
  • Conclusions: This should state clearly the main conclusions and provide an explanation of the importance and relevance of the study reported.
  • References:
    - Journal article, personal author(s): (Example)
    Boontaveeyuwat N, Sittisingh U. Body iron in women of reproductive age. J Med Assoc Thailand. 2003:343-7.
    - Book, personal author(s): (Example)
    Raigond P, Dutt S, Singh B. Resistant Starch in Food. In: Mérillon J-M, Ramawat KG, editors. Bioactive Molecules in Food. Cham: Springer International Publishing; 2019. 815-46.